Preparing for your appointment?
Preparing for your appointment? If you are reading this, chances are you have scheduled an appointment with Releaf Health to obtain your Medical Card.
If you have not selected your date and time, please click here to do so.
4 Simple Steps from now until the day of your appointment.
If at any time you have questions, please do not hesitate to call or text us at 614-437-8382.
Step 01.
Do You Qualify?
We need to make sure you qualify. Click here to see a list of approved conditions set forth by the State of Ohio.
Step 02.
Picture of The Front of your ID
We need a picture of the front of your ID. This will be used to register you and verify your identity. CLICK HERE to email us a picture now or feel free to send it to at your earliest convenience.
Step 03.
Medical Records for Doctors Review
We need to obtain your medical records for our doctors to review and approve your medical card recommendation.
In order to be compliant with the State’s rules, the records need to show the following:
- Your full name and DOB
- Your qualifying medical condition(s)
- Be within the last 2 years
Your security is our main concern here. There are a few different options you can do to safely send us your medical records. If you need to call us to discuss this, please call 614-437-8382.
- Email us at to request a release form for your records. We will fax this on your behalf to obtain them.
- Call your doctor’s office or the hospital that has your records and tell them to fax it to Releaf Health at 614-388-9344.
- Do you have online access? You can temporarily share this with us. Call us at 614-437-8382 so we can help.
- Mail also works, but will most likely take a bit longer.
Our address is:
Releaf Health
850 King Ave
Ste B
Columbus, OH 43212
Step 04.
Morning of your Appointment
The morning of your appointment, we will send you an invoice via email that will need to be paid before you are able to start the video conference with the doctor. This is easily paid via debit or credit card online.
Please note it is 100% refundable if you are not approved for your card. Please also note that you can call and make a payment over the phone if you wish.
The doctor will text a link to your smartphone once your invoice has been paid. Simply tap the link to enter the video call on your smartphone! You will not need to download any additional apps for your telemedicine appointment.
Note: You can meet with our doctors without your medical records, but they will not register you as a patient until they get a chance to receive and review your records.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or text us at (614) 437-8382! We are happy to step in at any point of the process to assist you.
All the Best,
The ReLeaf Health Team

Schedule Today With Releaf Health Clinic
Do you qualify for your Medical Card?
If you suffer from any of the following conditions, you are eligible to receive a recommendation for your medical card:
Chronic Pain
Alzheimer’s Disease
Intractable Pain
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Crohn’s Disease
Hepatitis C
Multiple Sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Tourette Syndrome
Ulcerative Colitis
Sickle Cell Anemia
Traumatic Brain Injury
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Spinal Cord Disease
Chronic Migraines
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
If you Qualify with any of the above named conditions, call us (614-437-8382) to schedule an appointment with one of our Certified Physicians. With our recommendation, you will have access to any Ohio Medical Stores.

Do you qualify for medical card?
You may be eligible to receive a recommendation to use your medical card.

Schedule an Appointment
Click the button below to get your appointment scheduled! To inquire about same day appointments, please call or text (614) 437-8382.

3 Simple Steps to Prepare
Click the button below and follow the three steps to prepare for your appointment.